Come Visit And Worship With Us
So Wellbeing Church is for those who want to find out about Jesus, and for Followers of Jesus who struggle with traditional ways of ‘doing church’.
We have not identified the Town where we are working on this project, but do contact us if you would like to know more, or if you would like to share your experiences and ideas:
We now have a website for our Town, and if you want to know more about what we are doing, what works, what doesn’t, do contact us! At present it is football training and league (current team name Lovin Jesus), Video Games, occasionally Dungeons & Dragons, pizza, GoApe, AirSoft and Bible Study. Church is fundamentally about good relationships, with God our Creator, with our neighbours, with each other, and with the world-wide church. Wellbeing Church is about building good relationships in small groups of like-minded people who get on well with other, and want to explore what it means to follow Jesus in all of life.
Wellbeing Church and Well Being Church are Registered Trademarks of Church Home Group Resources Ltd